Vehicle configuration
Once the "Vehicle Confi guration" menu has been selected, you can activate or deactivate the following equipment:
- wiper linked with reverse gear (refer
to the "Visibility" section),
- "guide-me-home" lighting (refer to
the "Visibility" section),
- parking assistance (refer to the
"Driving" section).
See also:
Display A
1 - T ime
2 - D ate and Display zone
3 - A mbient temperature
If the outside temperature is between +3 °C and -3 °C, the temperature display
flashes (risk of ice).
Note: The out ...
Rear head restraints
These have a high position (comfort)
and a low position (rear visibility).
They can also be removed.
To remove a head restraint:
release the backrest using control 1 ,
tilt the backrest 2 s ...
Front seats
Manual adjustments
Head restraint
To raise, pull upwards. To lower, press on the unlocking button and on the head
restraint. The adjustment is correct when the upper edge of the restraint is ...